Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Banal Evil Free Essays

Murder regularly makes a people head spin with rage and pose the inquiry, â€Å"How would someone be able to do that to another person? † Most of time when a grim demonstration of savagery happens individuals wonder, â€Å"What sort of person does it take to accomplish something to that effect? † Truman Capote’s book, In Cold Blood, is about such a demonstration of brutality; a homicide that, when the peruser leaves, just registers a cliché. The slaughtering of the Clutter family, which occurred in 1959 in the town of Holcomb, Kansas, overwhelmed the vast majority with its foolishness and frightfulness. Overcoat, be that as it may, composes the story with individual foundation on the executioners, making them human and giving the peruser, something a great many people don't get the opportunity to hear or even want to know, motivation to the thoughtless killings. We will compose a custom article test on Dull Evil or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Abhorrent is effectively banalized when there is a story to oblige it. Toward the start of In Cold Blood the Clutters killers, Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, are â€Å"persons unknown† hoisting them to a condition of brutal, legendary structure. The town of Holcomb, a little very spot where nothing occurs, is abruptly shaken and see Smith and Hickock as motiveless abhorrence that has come down to wreck the tranquil life the network has. This heretofore tranquil gathering of neighbors and old companions had out of nowhere to bear the remarkable experience of doubting one another; justifiably, they accept that the killer was among themselves† (88). This statement shows the ruin that is unleashed on the security of town, dividing the network into doubt. They, as the town, go wrong, lost their previous blamelessness, as they are compelled to stand up to the truth of the executioners and the world they speak to. Be that as it may, as the book proceeds onward so does the peruse rs perspective, from one of the townspeople to that of the executioners. Overcoat replaces the shortsighted view to a progressively touchy translation investigating the physiological, material, and ecological conditions that are the impetus for Smith and Hickock to submit murder. Smith, the peruser is told, is the offspring of a very injurious family unit where is exposed to liquor addiction, the self-destructive passings of his two kin and mother, surrender, no proper training, and so forth. Depicting his dad Smith says, â€Å"But no instruction, since he didn’t need me to get the hang of anything, just how to tote and convey for him. Moronic. Oblivious. That’s how he would have preferred me to be. So I would never escape him† (185). Smith obviously despises his dad and censures him for the circumstance he is in now; not having instruction is something that Smith appears to be exceptionally busy with and disdains in individuals around him. Hickock on the other had appears to originate from a poor, however great family. Being the star competitor in secondary school, with passing marks for sure, Hickock appears to have had an ordinary life. Be that as it may, he is in the consistent mentality of jealousy of cash/power. Jealousy was continually with him [Hickock]; the Enemy was any individual who was somebody he needed to be or who had anything he needed to have† (200). The Clutters, interestingly, were â€Å"the impeccable family†. Amazingly affluent, wealthy, and instructed they were an image of everything the killers needed. With the begrudges in toe, Smiths being instruction and Hickockà ¢â‚¬â„¢s being cash/power, the Clutters were the ideal family for the two killings to let their fury out on. Knowing Hickock’s and Smiths foundations, the peruser now has something to feel for and to form into some kind of comprehension. The executioners are being changed from inhumane, unfeeling killings to loathsome and miserable people. The wrongdoing itself is come down to unadulterated passionate reactions. Stephen J. Whitfield looks at the feelings of the Clutter murders to that of Adolf Eichmann, the man who â€Å"directed the transportation of the Jews of Nazi-involved Europe to their demise (496)†, in the book The History Teacher. â€Å"Between such various homicides and Eichmann, some equal can maybe be followed regarding the nonattendance of any human association, any regret, any enthusiastic load to be appended to their violations. They were shockingly offended structure the remainder of the human race† (473). Whitfield raises any intriguing point, which Smith raises last in the book. The way that Smith and Hickock are so isolated from humankind is something that unnerves the peruser, yet additionally places the homicides from an alternate perspective. Despite the fact that regret is thought of as the way to absolution, Smith makes a point that most don't consider. â€Å"Just recollect that: I just knew the Clutters perhaps 60 minutes. On the off chance that I’d truly known them, I surmise I’d feel different†¦But the manner in which it was, it resembled taking out focuses in a shooting gallery† (291). Overcoat doesn't intend to pardon Smith and Hickock from their activity, yet he shows how common sentiments of dissatisfaction and depression can ejected into horrendous demonstrations of homicide. Smith clarifies it by saying, â€Å"And it wasn’t as a result of anything the Clutters did. They never hurt me. Like others. Like individuals have for my entire life. Perhaps it’s simply that the Clutters were the ones who needed to pay for it† (290). Indeed, during the homicides, Smith even discussions about his disappointment and self-hatred that at last lead him to murder Mr. Mess. â€Å"I stooped down adjacent to Mr. Mess, and the torment of bowing I thought of that goddam dollar. Silver dollar. The disgrace. Disturb. Also, they’d let me know never to return Kansas. Be that as it may, I didn’t acknowledge what I’d done work I heard the sound† (245-246). The homicide comes as a programmed reaction to the memory of different dissatisfactions and abuse Smith has suffered, of which the Clutter house is an image of. Another thought that Capote makes the peruser take into truth is that Hickock and Smith were not propelled to kill because of exacting contempt of the Clutters, however a misled dissatisfaction and hatred that finds a representative article in the Clutters and the qualities that they speak to. â€Å"I [Smith] didn’t need to hurt the man. I thought he was an extremely decent noble man. Mild-mannered. I suspected as much right up to the second I cut his throat† (244). The family is sufficiently unfortunate to be forced to bear this fuzzy, however they are in no way, shape or form the source. The way that Capote additionally gets the clinician goes to additionally legitimize that the killings had no power over their activities. â€Å"When Smith assaulted Mr. Mess her was under a psychological obscuration, somewhere inside a schizophrenic darkness† (302). Smith was carrying on of his clinical inadequacy to deal with his enthusiastic reaction. In any case, however Capote tosses these thoughts and pictures at us he attempts to acculturate the killings and cause their wrongdoings to appear to be normal since he feels that this circumstance could have transpired. On the off chance that one peruses Capotes history, his life was not that very different from Smith. Overcoat addresses a human inquiry of what individuals are fit for put in the correct circumstance and the correct condition. Saying that his occasion could transpire, Capote puts the perusers mind on high alarm and causes the person in question to think about their own circumstance. The malevolence of this wrongdoing, and of the hoodlums themselves, gets dull due to Capote’s eagerness to make it that way. He acculturates them such that nobody else would. At the point when the peruser sees Hickock and Smith, they additionally observe their past and inspirations. The peruser sees all the more then what they can hope for and, once in a while, even observe themselves. The most effective method to refer to Banal Evil, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Legal systems (1000 words) Essays

Lawful frameworks (1000 words) Essays Legitimate frameworks (1000 words) Essay Legitimate frameworks (1000 words) Essay Legitimate frameworks( 1000 words ) English statute depends on a typical law framework. This grew truly as a result of the way that preceding the Norman Conquest, there were various diverse legitimate frameworks managing various pieces of the British Isles, each mirroring the impact of curious encroachers (, for example, the Norse in northern England ) . Slowly, rules and examples of statute that were basic to every one of these regions rose, and were forced around the state by agents of the government. The standard ofstare decisisemerged, which drove at last to the way of thinking of following a valid example. The English legitimate framework, in this way, is a typical statute framework, which adjusts to the modifying social requests of the age. Normal law frameworks ( where there is something of a harmony between Torahs made by the authoritative gathering, and those made by the seat ) can be diverged from common law frameworks, which overwhelm on quite a bit of Continental Europe. Common law frameworks have generally been, all things considered, affected by the Gallic Civil Code, with its Napoleonic legacy. In common law frameworks, the essential start of the statute is the central law or common codification. From this stems other statute. Despite the fact that the English legitimate framework is non the solitary regular statute framework known to man ( the framework was, for delineation, sent out to a large number of her settlements and locale during her majestic extension ) , the English normal law can be supposed to be an alone framework, as it has verifiably evolved in a curious way. The advantaged of the English basic statute framework incorporate the sureness it bears. This was the essential ground for the verifiable starting point of the normal law (gaze decisis) . This implies individuals can hold a superior idea of how the courts will deal with their unconventional example or fortunes, in light of old reporter occasions. Assurance is a cardinal principle of the guideline of statute, and the normal law along these lines helps in this. Connected to this bit of leeway is the way that not at all like a rule arrangement of guidelines that have been created in conceptual, the regular statute depends on reaction to existent condition of affairss with all their complexnesss and comforts. There will be less trust in the regular law on hypothesis and rationale than in legal statute or systematized law. This helps it in being increasingly related to condition of affairss that litigators will happen themselves in. The significant preferred position of the normal law framework over progressively solid common frameworks is its relative flexibleness. For the grounds plot above, Judgess can ( and do ) build up the basic law on an individual balance so as to respond to the adjusting requests f society, and to reflect changing socio-political standards and qualities. It is far speedier ( and simpler ) for an equity to do a supposition in a significant occurrence to change the law in a particular nation, than it is for Parliament to framework, contention and base on balls the applicable rule law. Such is the degree of this flexibleness that a few spectators ( prominently Hayek ) have required the normal law ( that is, made by Judgess ) to supplant authoritative go about as the essential start of the law, with each piece little rule law as conceivable originating from Parliament. He applies a rather rightist market power examination to his considerations, recommending that solid hearty ( and right ) T orahs will oppose the powers of social turn of events, while less vigorous or wrong 1s will non. This mirrors the evaluation of the detected points of interest of the basic law. In spite of this, by and by, normal law frameworks other than have a figure of impediments. Chief among these is the sheer volume of legitimate stuff that such a framework produces. There are a huge number of unmistakable occasions, numerous with drawn-out investigations. These examinations must be investigated in thing so as to pull out the relevantratio decidendi( that is, the legitimate sensible intuition for the feeling ) . A significant negative judgment of normal statute frameworks is that it tends to be hard to turn up and pull out the pertinent guidelines because of the volume of stuff. A more distant ominous judgment depends on the standard of following for example, which implies that Judgess must follow a valid example regardless of whether they can't help contradicting it. The way of thinking other than prompts Judgess isolating essentially comparative cases on shaky confirmations so as to use or stay away from an a valid example that they consider to be fitting. This has been said on crossroads to take a high level of fancy dependent on unlogical, and regularly unbelievable, separations. The regular statute, as has been recognized, creates on an individual balance, and this has been believed to be one of its standard points of interest over increasingly hardened common law frameworks, bearing it the flexibleness to respond to adjusting fortunes. There is other than a worked in inconvenience in this, by and by, in view of the way that the regular law does non gracefully a complete legitimate codification ( as a result of its piecemeal advancement ) . Here one can see a near goodness of thorough common codifications puting out the entire law partner to impossible to miss issues. A significant contrast between the normal statute framework and common frameworks is the issue of the outcome of new law. Legal law ( and common law ) depends on the standard that it is unreasonable to hold retroactive result ( that is to state it is unfair to keep that individual was in penetrate of the law by making a demonstration that at the clasp, was non a break ) . Changes to the law that are made by occasions, all things considered, will utilize retroactively, as they will be applied to the realities of the present occurrence ( which of class, have just happened ) . This was an issue in the questionable occurrence ofSW V United Kingdom( 1995 ) in which the two suspects, blamed for beguiling their wedded womans, brought an activity under the steady gaze of the European Court of Human Rights avering that their privileges under Article 7 had been disregarded by doing a condemnable law have retroactive result. The Court excused this, all things considered, expressing there was no crime given advancements could be plainly predicted. This, thus, speaks to the cardinal contrasts between basic statute frameworks ( of which England and Wales is a head representation ) and common law frameworks, which will in general prevail in Continental Europe, and which are ordinarily, as it were, affected by the Napoleonic French Civil Code.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus

Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus Mind maps are an invaluable tool  when it comes to project planning. They foster a free flow of ideas, which is ideal for creative brainstormings; they structure information visually and thus provide a great overview of all project-related data; If youre using MindMeister, your mind maps are also  collaborative, which means you can share them  with colleagues and edit them together in real-time; maps can even be  turned into other formats such as slideshows, Word documents or agile project boards. Below  youll find a number of great  examples of how  mind maps can help you with all your project planning needs: 1. Brainstorming Project Ideas Brainstorming in online mind maps has been found to be even more effective than traditional, in-person brainstorming sessions. In fact, using online mind maps can increase your  creative output by about 50% (read more about this in our article about online brainstorming with mind maps!). So if you want to develop or flesh out your next great idea, heres how to get started: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister and write your idea in the center of the map. Add 3 to 6 first-level topics (branches) around the center with significant keywords. Explore the details of your idea by adding child topics to the branches. Important: Let your thoughts flow freely and don’t censor your ideas. Don’t interrupt your brainstorming until you’re satisfied with the result or have run out of ideas. Take a look at the sample mind map below: 2. Refine and Present Your Project Idea After your initial brainstorming, chances are you will be left with a bit of a mess. Nows the time to comb through the ideas and thoughts youve collected in your map, delete the useless ones, and reorder the good ones to create a meaningful structure. Remove topics with inapplicable ideas. Move topics around to create a proper structure for your map. Add explanations and details to your ideas in the form of notes, links, images and files. Add emphasis to topics by choosing appropriate styles and icons. Once youve mapped out your vision, youll probably want to present it to your team, your superiors or your client. The best way to do this is by using MindMeisters built-in presentation mode to turn the mind map into a dynamic slideshow. Open presentation mode and create slides for the topics in your map. Add appropriate transitions to the slides. Present your idea to the decision makers. 3. Perform a Benefit-Cost Analysis A benefit-cost analysis helps you decide whether its really a good idea to undertake the project youve been planning. To perform a benefit-cost-analysis in a mind map: Open a blank mind map  in MindMeister. Create one branch for your project objectives. Create one branch for estimated resources required to perform the project. Create a third branch for anticipated benefits. Calculate the project’s net present value (=excess of project’s expected benefits over its estimated costs in monetary terms) and use the result to decide whether you should go ahead with the project. 4. Outline Your Project Plan While the actual writing process is better done in a text document, mind maps are a fantastic format for outlining the chapters and contents of your project plan. Mind maps not only visualize your entire project plan on a single page, they also offer space for notes, links and comments. You can even attach whole files to the topics in your mind maps. To get started Open a blank mind map to create an outline for your project plan (or use the mind map  template below  as a starting point). Create first-level topics for what will later become the various chapters of your plan (e.g. “Reasons for undertaking this project”, “Intended results”, “Roles and responsibilities”, etc.). Add details to each first-level topic in the form of  child topics. Try to stick to individual keywords and short phrases so as to not clutter up your map. You can add longer explanations in the form of notes. Bring a logical order into your topics, then export the finished outline as a Word document. Use this new text document for the actual writing process. Have your project plan reviewed and signed off by the decision makers. Tip: Re-use this mind map as a project roadmap by simplifying it and sharing it with your project team and relevant stakeholders. A project roadmap is a great tool to quickly review your goals and milestones and ensure youre still on schedule. Of course, you can easily update the roadmap throughout the projects lifetime if your priorities change or you need to refine your previous estimates. 5. Create a Project Stakeholders List Project stakeholders  are entities that have an interest in a given  project.  Compiling a list of your stakeholders will help you decide if and when you should involve them  in decisions and help you determine the scope of the project. Open a blank mind map and create one branch for “internal” stakeholders (i.e. people inside your organization) and one for “external” stakeholders. (Or simply clone the template weve prepared below). Add child-topics representing the various departments and groups involved in the project, such as team members, end users, upper management, suppliers etc. Divide these categories and groups further until you arrive at the actual names of people. Be sure to add their contact information! Share your mind map with co-workers who could potentially know of other important parties to add to the list. Update the list throughout the project and save it for potential reuse in future projects. So those are 5 simple ways mind maps can aid you in all stages of project planning. When youre ready to go from planning to execution, you can use MindMeisters integration with the collaborative project manager MeisterTask to seamlessly turn your mind maps into agile project boards, and get productive with your team! Discover project management with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus Mind maps are an invaluable tool  when it comes to project planning. They foster a free flow of ideas, which is ideal for creative brainstormings; they structure information visually and thus provide a great overview of all project-related data; If youre using MindMeister, your mind maps are also  collaborative, which means you can share them  with colleagues and edit them together in real-time; maps can even be  turned into other formats such as slideshows, Word documents or agile project boards. Below  youll find a number of great  examples of how  mind maps can help you with all your project planning needs: 1. Brainstorming Project Ideas Brainstorming in online mind maps has been found to be even more effective than traditional, in-person brainstorming sessions. In fact, using online mind maps can increase your  creative output by about 50% (read more about this in our article about online brainstorming with mind maps!). So if you want to develop or flesh out your next great idea, heres how to get started: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister and write your idea in the center of the map. Add 3 to 6 first-level topics (branches) around the center with significant keywords. Explore the details of your idea by adding child topics to the branches. Important: Let your thoughts flow freely and don’t censor your ideas. Don’t interrupt your brainstorming until you’re satisfied with the result or have run out of ideas. Take a look at the sample mind map below: 2. Refine and Present Your Project Idea After your initial brainstorming, chances are you will be left with a bit of a mess. Nows the time to comb through the ideas and thoughts youve collected in your map, delete the useless ones, and reorder the good ones to create a meaningful structure. Remove topics with inapplicable ideas. Move topics around to create a proper structure for your map. Add explanations and details to your ideas in the form of notes, links, images and files. Add emphasis to topics by choosing appropriate styles and icons. Once youve mapped out your vision, youll probably want to present it to your team, your superiors or your client. The best way to do this is by using MindMeisters built-in presentation mode to turn the mind map into a dynamic slideshow. Open presentation mode and create slides for the topics in your map. Add appropriate transitions to the slides. Present your idea to the decision makers. 3. Perform a Benefit-Cost Analysis A benefit-cost analysis helps you decide whether its really a good idea to undertake the project youve been planning. To perform a benefit-cost-analysis in a mind map: Open a blank mind map  in MindMeister. Create one branch for your project objectives. Create one branch for estimated resources required to perform the project. Create a third branch for anticipated benefits. Calculate the project’s net present value (=excess of project’s expected benefits over its estimated costs in monetary terms) and use the result to decide whether you should go ahead with the project. 4. Outline Your Project Plan While the actual writing process is better done in a text document, mind maps are a fantastic format for outlining the chapters and contents of your project plan. Mind maps not only visualize your entire project plan on a single page, they also offer space for notes, links and comments. You can even attach whole files to the topics in your mind maps. To get started Open a blank mind map to create an outline for your project plan (or use the mind map  template below  as a starting point). Create first-level topics for what will later become the various chapters of your plan (e.g. “Reasons for undertaking this project”, “Intended results”, “Roles and responsibilities”, etc.). Add details to each first-level topic in the form of  child topics. Try to stick to individual keywords and short phrases so as to not clutter up your map. You can add longer explanations in the form of notes. Bring a logical order into your topics, then export the finished outline as a Word document. Use this new text document for the actual writing process. Have your project plan reviewed and signed off by the decision makers. Tip: Re-use this mind map as a project roadmap by simplifying it and sharing it with your project team and relevant stakeholders. A project roadmap is a great tool to quickly review your goals and milestones and ensure youre still on schedule. Of course, you can easily update the roadmap throughout the projects lifetime if your priorities change or you need to refine your previous estimates. 5. Create a Project Stakeholders List Project stakeholders  are entities that have an interest in a given  project.  Compiling a list of your stakeholders will help you decide if and when you should involve them  in decisions and help you determine the scope of the project. Open a blank mind map and create one branch for “internal” stakeholders (i.e. people inside your organization) and one for “external” stakeholders. (Or simply clone the template weve prepared below). Add child-topics representing the various departments and groups involved in the project, such as team members, end users, upper management, suppliers etc. Divide these categories and groups further until you arrive at the actual names of people. Be sure to add their contact information! Share your mind map with co-workers who could potentially know of other important parties to add to the list. Update the list throughout the project and save it for potential reuse in future projects. So those are 5 simple ways mind maps can aid you in all stages of project planning. When youre ready to go from planning to execution, you can use MindMeisters integration with the collaborative project manager MeisterTask to seamlessly turn your mind maps into agile project boards, and get productive with your team! Discover project management with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister Project Planning with Mind Maps (Examples) - Focus Mind maps are an invaluable tool  when it comes to project planning. They foster a free flow of ideas, which is ideal for creative brainstormings; they structure information visually and thus provide a great overview of all project-related data; If youre using MindMeister, your mind maps are also  collaborative, which means you can share them  with colleagues and edit them together in real-time; maps can even be  turned into other formats such as slideshows, Word documents or agile project boards. Below  youll find a number of great  examples of how  mind maps can help you with all your project planning needs: 1. Brainstorming Project Ideas Brainstorming in online mind maps has been found to be even more effective than traditional, in-person brainstorming sessions. In fact, using online mind maps can increase your  creative output by about 50% (read more about this in our article about online brainstorming with mind maps!). So if you want to develop or flesh out your next great idea, heres how to get started: Open a blank mind map in MindMeister and write your idea in the center of the map. Add 3 to 6 first-level topics (branches) around the center with significant keywords. Explore the details of your idea by adding child topics to the branches. Important: Let your thoughts flow freely and don’t censor your ideas. Don’t interrupt your brainstorming until you’re satisfied with the result or have run out of ideas. Take a look at the sample mind map below: 2. Refine and Present Your Project Idea After your initial brainstorming, chances are you will be left with a bit of a mess. Nows the time to comb through the ideas and thoughts youve collected in your map, delete the useless ones, and reorder the good ones to create a meaningful structure. Remove topics with inapplicable ideas. Move topics around to create a proper structure for your map. Add explanations and details to your ideas in the form of notes, links, images and files. Add emphasis to topics by choosing appropriate styles and icons. Once youve mapped out your vision, youll probably want to present it to your team, your superiors or your client. The best way to do this is by using MindMeisters built-in presentation mode to turn the mind map into a dynamic slideshow. Open presentation mode and create slides for the topics in your map. Add appropriate transitions to the slides. Present your idea to the decision makers. 3. Perform a Benefit-Cost Analysis A benefit-cost analysis helps you decide whether its really a good idea to undertake the project youve been planning. To perform a benefit-cost-analysis in a mind map: Open a blank mind map  in MindMeister. Create one branch for your project objectives. Create one branch for estimated resources required to perform the project. Create a third branch for anticipated benefits. Calculate the project’s net present value (=excess of project’s expected benefits over its estimated costs in monetary terms) and use the result to decide whether you should go ahead with the project. 4. Outline Your Project Plan While the actual writing process is better done in a text document, mind maps are a fantastic format for outlining the chapters and contents of your project plan. Mind maps not only visualize your entire project plan on a single page, they also offer space for notes, links and comments. You can even attach whole files to the topics in your mind maps. To get started Open a blank mind map to create an outline for your project plan (or use the mind map  template below  as a starting point). Create first-level topics for what will later become the various chapters of your plan (e.g. “Reasons for undertaking this project”, “Intended results”, “Roles and responsibilities”, etc.). Add details to each first-level topic in the form of  child topics. Try to stick to individual keywords and short phrases so as to not clutter up your map. You can add longer explanations in the form of notes. Bring a logical order into your topics, then export the finished outline as a Word document. Use this new text document for the actual writing process. Have your project plan reviewed and signed off by the decision makers. Tip: Re-use this mind map as a project roadmap by simplifying it and sharing it with your project team and relevant stakeholders. A project roadmap is a great tool to quickly review your goals and milestones and ensure youre still on schedule. Of course, you can easily update the roadmap throughout the projects lifetime if your priorities change or you need to refine your previous estimates. 5. Create a Project Stakeholders List Project stakeholders  are entities that have an interest in a given  project.  Compiling a list of your stakeholders will help you decide if and when you should involve them  in decisions and help you determine the scope of the project. Open a blank mind map and create one branch for “internal” stakeholders (i.e. people inside your organization) and one for “external” stakeholders. (Or simply clone the template weve prepared below). Add child-topics representing the various departments and groups involved in the project, such as team members, end users, upper management, suppliers etc. Divide these categories and groups further until you arrive at the actual names of people. Be sure to add their contact information! Share your mind map with co-workers who could potentially know of other important parties to add to the list. Update the list throughout the project and save it for potential reuse in future projects. So those are 5 simple ways mind maps can aid you in all stages of project planning. When youre ready to go from planning to execution, you can use MindMeisters integration with the collaborative project manager MeisterTask to seamlessly turn your mind maps into agile project boards, and get productive with your team! Discover project management with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister

Friday, May 22, 2020

Illegal Immigration The United States Essay - 2610 Words

Illegal immigration is a common topic to every country in the world. Illegal immigrants pose many threats to the United States, taking jobs, creating terrorism, threatening national security, and continuing to enter the U.S. illegally. It’s also said that illegal immigrants are beneficial to the United States, working for a low pay, taking jobs no one desires, and expanding and creating jobs. Some people believe immigrants entering the U.S. illegally shouldn t be given full citizenship because it will hurt the economy and threaten the wellbeing of American citizens, but others believe that illegal immigrants should receive citizenship because it will boost the economy and will strengthen the welfare of American citizens. The United States has a long history of illegal immigration that dates back to the 1700s. For example, the first legalization act, known as the Naturalization act, allowed illegal immigrants to appeal for citizenship if they had lived in the U.S. for no shor ter than two years (â€Å"Immigration Policy: Should the U.S. Government Provide Undocumented Immigrants a Path to Citizenship?†). In 1790 immigrants were essential for the growth of the United States. People from all over the world went to America to seek refuge and jobs in which their home country couldn’t provide. Europeans, between 1820 and 1880, â€Å"left their homelands to start new lives in the United States† (â€Å"Immigration Policy: Should the...†). For many, the United States has been looked at as aShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration And The United States1573 Words   |  7 Pagesmillion illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States furthermore, for the United States economy. The correctional prerequisites against migrants were added to enactment to protect it from feedback that acquittal is absolution without outcome. Immigration makes a difference among everybody, and Congress ought to be doing everything in its energy to make it as simple as feasible for settlers to live and work lawfully what s more, openly in the United States. The United States is knownRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1315 Words   |  6 PagesFor ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual averageRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States969 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican businessman, politician, television personality, and author, is the presumptive of the y for president of the United States in 2016having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump’s positions in opposition to illegal immigration, various free trade agreements that he believes are unfair, and most military interventionism have earned him particular support among blue-collar voters and voters without college degrees. Many of hisRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1486 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for a long time so the issues that come with it should not be a surprise. America was established on the basis of newcomers settling here from abroad. Recently though, thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the U.S. through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico which has created a new an unanticipated issue for the U.S., in the past immigrants came from Europe and passed through the Ellis Island stationRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The United States1805 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Some c ountries have millions of illegal immigrants. Immigration, including illegal immigration, is overwhelmingly upward, from a poorer to a richer country. The easy definition of an undocumented immigrant is someone who was not born in the United States and therefore has no legal right to be or remain in the United States. Not all undocumented immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration : The United States1876 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal Immigration Due to the economic benefits of immigrant labor, the dangers of central American countries, and the basic human rights of noncitizens, the US government must grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration has become a rising issue in the US over the past few years, and it will continue to heat up coming into this year s presidential election. This issue is also very present in the local community due to it’s diversity and large Hispanic population. GenerallyRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States1864 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal Immigration In The United States: A Controversial Debate Illegal immigration is an on-going issue, which is of much importance in the United States today. It has been overlooked for many years, however it has reached a point where it can no longer be ignored. Most of the illegal immigrants, 54% to be exact, come through the Mexican border. (Hayes 5) Since the early 1980’s, the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has risen at an incredible rate, causing the United States government to takeRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States Essay2094 Words   |  9 PagesIllegal Immigration in the United States Illegal Immigration in the United States The United States (US) has always been viewed as the land of opportunity because it is the only true free country in the world. This being the case people have been fighting their way into the country for decades. However, it is becoming more and more of a problem each decade that passes. With the United States border being so close to Mexico it is now seeing the highest population of illegal immigrants toRead MoreDeportation: Immigration to the United States and Illegal Alien2373 Words   |  10 Pagesadvance because of the way the immigration process works. However, one thing we all had in mind, was to see the light of a different country, see different faces and hopefully find ways to stay. Once the airplane took off, words was already spread all over the office of Haiti air in Florida that the airplane left Haiti with more than 30 Haitian illegal on board. The first few 2 hours spent at the arrival office was like a discovery of a new world for every single illegal in that group. This was oneRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Immigration In The United States1091 Words   |  5 Pagesarrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes. (De Leon, K) The new legislation, created by California Senate President Kevin de Leon, officially makes the state of California a â€Å"sanctuary state†. Previously, de Leon determined that Donald Trump is a racist because of his positions on immigration; most notably, Trump’s attempt to defund cities that considered themselves sanctuaries. In a debate that is becoming increasingly more polarized, Brown sought to protect illegal immigrants against

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ventilation of the Storage Room - 530 Words

Ventilation Ventilation or control of air velocities of the storage room is important in maintaining a uniform relative humidity throughout the room, removing odors, and preventing the development of stale odors and flavors. Irradiation Use of ultraviolet irradiation along with chilling storage helps preserve some food at higher temperature or by use of higher humidity. Ultraviolet lamps are normally installed in rooms for storage of meat and cheese. Freezing of food The rate of freezing of food depends on a number of factors, such as the method employed, the temperature, circulation of air or refrigerant, size and shape of package, and kind of food. Sharp freezing typically refers to freezing in air with only natural air circulation or at best with the use of electric fans. The temperature is usually -23.3 0C or lower but may vary from -15 to -290C, and freezing may take from 3 to 72 hours also termed slow freezing. Quick freezing is variously defined, but in general implies a freezing time 30 minutes or less and usually involves the freezing of small packages or units of food. Quick freezing is usually accomplished by one of these general methods: (i) Direct immersion of the food material or the packaged food in a refrigerant, as in the freezing of fish in brine in special syrups. (ii) Indirect contact with the refrigerant, where the food material or package is in contact with the passage through which the refrigerant at -17.8 to –45.6 0C flows. (iii) Air-blastShow MoreRelatedWhere All Equipment Are Be Kept Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagesfollowing conceptual plans show the different spatial configuration of each floor according to their usages. The basement is directly accessed by a staircase on the side and a lift right from the inside. It is divided into various rooms which the purpose is to serve as storages for the facility according to the needs and the type of equipment. 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(Unsure) Where used cleaning cloths, pot scrubs etc. shall be cleaned and sanitised or they shall be disposed of after use in order to ensure that they are not a source of contamination. (Unsure) Storage and use of cleaning materials; Bulk cleaning agents shall not be stored in areas where food is prepared, processed, and/or stored. (Not accordance with the standard), some cleaning materials were store at the kitchen nearby foodstuffs. Cleaning Schedule;Read MoreA Facility For A Car Dealership915 Words   |  4 Pagesdouble wall tanks that are to be located in a room that is approximately 514 sq. ft. in area. The oil located in the room is fresh oil to be used for the car repair garage. The room height is 15 ft-3 in. with tank heights of 60.5 in. The second area is located on a second floor mezzanine and consists of a single 3,900-gallon storage tank. It is to be used as a waste oil tank and will be located in a room that is approximately 2,800 sq. ft. in area. The room height is 12 ft-1 in. with tank heightsRead MoreBud Clark Commons : Public Housing Building And A Community Resource Center Located1494 Words   |  6 Pageshigh performance condensing boilers is supplied by the solar panels. Each apartment unit has a Unit Recovery Unit (Figure 7) located on the roof that extracts the heated air and introduces fresh air with 85% of the heat that was extracted from the room. To maximize the heat efficiency, every window on each apartment has a switch that turns off the heating systems every time that it is open, to prevent leakage or misused of the energy expended. Additionally, every unit counts with an electric coveRead MoreSafety And Occupational Health Programs Essay906 Words   |  4 Pagestypes of environments, facilities, organizations, operations; safety program records and structures: Accident prevention and reporting; Administrative units; Ammunition Storage; Arms Rooms; Compressed Gas and Compressed Air Equipment; Composite Risk Management; Confined Space; Contractors; Exit Routes; Explosives and Flammable storage and handling, Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; Fire and Life Safety, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Prevention plans; Fire Protection; Range Facilities ; Forklift’s; HazardousRead MoreDifferent Climatic Conditions For Marine Desert Areas6797 Words   |  28 Pagesconditions such as sandstorms, dust and insects. In addition, the spread of dust should be prevented and provide proper ventilation, shad and control of buildings and settlements. Proposed solutions The Main Points: †¢ Provide a maximum of shielding against direct sunlight in the hot season. †¢ It works to balance the contrast between winter and summer by moving parts. †¢ Bring ventilation through the regularairmovementand small aperture. †¢ Evadehuge externals face. †¢ Use of external reflective surfacesRead MoreA Report On Brazilian Hotel Industry1418 Words   |  6 PagesFlat/Apart-hotel: consists of housing units with a bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen in the building with integrated management, counting with reception service, cleaning and storage. Albergue (hostel): means of accommodation consisting of dorms with beds or bunks, featuring mostly well as collective kitchens and bathrooms separated based on sex (male/female), and with some recreation services, such as swimming pools, game rooms, dancing floor, libraries etc. As in many other countries, the accommodationsRead MoreOsha Welding, Cutting, Brazing Cfr 1910972 Words   |  4 Pagescutting and welding and establish procedures for cutting and welding. Cutting and welding should not be done in all conditions, including; areas not authorized by management, in sprinkler buildings while such protection is impaired, In areas near the storage of large quantities of exposed, readily ignitable materials such as bulk sulfur, baled paper, or cotton, and/or in the presence of explosive atmospheres or improperly prepared tanks or equipment which have previously contained such materials, or thatRead MoreApplication Of Solar Thermal Integration Technology Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pagesarea (offices, washroom and consultation rooms), and circulation area. Aside the staircase on the north side of the building there will be a lift provided toward the end of the corridor leading to the various rooms. This lift will be mostly access by the physically challenge people in order to improve accessibility on the upper floor. Every area is entirely naturally ventilated, with every room having windows and also the courtyard that enhance the ventilation. The roof form is the result of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day Care Center vs Nanny Free Essays

There are many parents who are looking for someone who takes care of their children while they are away. Their option will be a day care center or nanny. If you are one of those parents, I want to persuade you not to choose quickly because they are not the same. We will write a custom essay sample on Day Care Center vs Nanny or any similar topic only for you Order Now They provide your child with different environment, you should select after understanding their similarities and differences. The first similarity between a day care center and nanny is that they take care of your child for specific period. Some parents can’t have jobs or study and pursue careers. It is because they have to take most of their time off for taking care of their children and don’t have time to do it. The job of day care provider and nanny is to help those parents by taking care of their children. The second similarity is that a staff in day care center and nanny are trained people. They are educated in early child development or a related field. It means that they can assist your child in developing his academic skills. They can help children with preparation for kindergarten and children who are in school with homework. Also, because they studied early child development or related field, they know children’s emotional needs and how to discipline properly. The third similarity is that they have issues with illness. Day care center can’t let you leave your child with them when he is sick. It is because, in the day care center, children are in close contact with other children ant it will let germs spread easily. On the other hand, it is needless to say, but a nanny can’t take care of your child when she is sick either. The first difference is the number of children they take care of. Day care provider can’t take care of multiple children because there are many children in day care center. It means that they will not give one-on-one attention to your child. However, your child’s being among many children will good to your child. Your child will learn how to socialize because he will interact with other children. On the other hand, nanny is responsible for only your child, so your child will be able to open his heart to her quickly. The second difference is the location where they look after your children. Needless to say, if you choose day care center, your child will be taken care of in the day care center. Your child may feel uncomfortable because he can’t move freely in the day care center like he does in his house. On the other hand, nanny comes to your home to take care of your child. Your child may feel comfortable to be in his house, but he will not be able to make friends like he can in a day care center. The third difference is the cost. You will have to pay for day care center between 62 dollars to 320 dollars a week. On the other hand, the cost of nanny is from 350 dollars to 700 dollars a week. The cost of day care center is much cheaper than the cost of nanny, so to put your child into a day care center will help you a lot with money. However, a nanny does things worth the cost. For example, if your child is allergic to a certain food, she will not cook meal that contains that food if you ask her. This will not be done in day care center. As you know now, a day care center and nanny are similar, but not the same. They provide different environment for your child and affect you differently. Because of it, you have to consider carefully with whom you should leave your child while you are away. How to cite Day Care Center vs Nanny, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Role of Business Economics in Business Process

Introduction Business economics can be defined as a branch of economics that deals with the application of various microeconomic models in the analysis of a business process. Business economics analysis will help a business to understand and adopt various strategic measures that will enable a business to have a competitive advantage (Carson, Hecht Thomas 2002).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Role of Business Economics in Business Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Business economics analysis is a daunting task fraught with disappointments. A poorly undertaken business economics analysis might lead to the collapse of a company. On the other hand, if the business economics analysis is professionally done, the company is likely to prosper and make a lot of profits. Hence, it is important that business undertakings should perform a well-planned and organized business economics analysis (Mcconnell, Br ue Flynn 2009). Micro economics can be defined as the process of studying a business decision regarding the allocation of scarce and limited resources within an organization. Micro economics is concerned with the effect that various business behaviors have on demand and supply of a company’s products. There are various micro economics issues facing organizations. Such issues include issues related to growth, unemployment, and inflation. Micro economics is also concerned with the effects of national policies on an organization. Such changes in policies may include changes in taxation policies (Bardhan Udry 1999). This research paper is going to evaluate the micro economics issues facing small and medium-sized businesses in the United Kingdom using the case study of Telecoms world plc. The research paper will also examine the various strategies that the company can adopt in order to overcome the micro economic challenges. Background information Small business enterprises are the backbone of a country’s economy. They are the major contributors to a country’s economy in terms of offering employment and are also sources of government revenues. Small and medium size enterprises have various advantages which include but not limited to the following: they provide a source of revenue to the government, they provide employment to citizens, and also they utilize the small resources available in a country. Therefore, it is of vital importance that small and medium enterprises be protected from various threats that face them (Burkett 2006).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are various micro economics issues that SME’S face. These challenges include but not limited to the following: changes in taxation policies, inflation, growth and the effect of unemployment. Telecoms World Plc. Telecoms world plc is an enterprise in the Uni ted Kingdom that deals with the telecommunications products and services. The company deals with cost effective telecoms solutions ranging from cloud hosting services to mobile phone services. The business deals with call routing, fax and email solutions, and Beskope solutions. The Beskope solutions include the services like call queuing, voice recognition and data capture. The company also deals with interactive voice response for its inbound call services. The business environment the business is operating in The telecommunications industry is changing dynamically, and a company should be well placed to overcome the changing challenges in the telecommunications industry. The changing trends in the telecommunications industry are quite demanding and quite expensive to adopt. Small and medium enterprises are finding it difficult to cope up with these rapid changes. Telecoms world plc has not been exempted from these challenges. Telecoms world plc is facing various challenges includi ng but not limited to the following: competition from bigger firms, poor market segmentation, and lack of enough funds (Frank 1964). Competition from bigger firms Telecoms world plc is operating in a high competitive industry. The telecommunications industry is considered one of the most competitive industries, with the key beneficiaries being the bigger players in the industry (Frank 1964). Telecoms world plc is facing a major threat from its competitors, especially the bigger companies like Vodafone Company and the orange company in the United Kingdom. The bigger competitors in the market are known to give high quality and diversified products and services to their consumers. They are also involved in various promotions for their customers, hence posing a threat to Telecoms world plc.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Role of Business Economics in Business Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Vodafo ne Company is ranked as the best telecommunications company in terms of service delivery, as well as consumer satisfaction. Their services are of high quality, and most consumers are able to afford most of their services and products Vodafone has very well-structured current and future objectives. The company has a vision of being the leading telecommunications company in the world by providing the state-of-the-art Edge technology. Hence, the company’s objectives are geared towards achieving the above mentioned vision statement. The company’s current strategies are geared towards innovation and creativity. This has seen the company become the best ranked telecommunication company in terms of innovation and creativity (Frank 1964). The major competitor of the Telecoms world PLC is Vodafone Company. The major strength of Vodafone is in the call rates the company offers to its customers. The company offers subsidized call rates as well as data rates to its customers. Also , the company has some offers to its customers. Some of the offers include selling mobile phones at a subsidized rate. The other major competitor of Telecoms World PLC Company is T-Mobile, which also offers mobile services to its customers. The company is a threat to Telecoms World PLC Company because it is ranked the third telecommunication company in UK. T mobile strength is in the quality of services and products the company provides. Services offered by the various competitors Competitor services Vodafone Sale of mobile phones and the associated accessories. Provision of internet services using 4G modems Mobile telephony services T- mobiles Mobile telephony services Sale of mobile phones and associated accessories. Provisions of 3G internet connection services. Competitor Profiling Name strategy assumption capabilities Vodafone The company is winning a large number of customers through provision of cheap call rates and cheap services The assumption from th e company is that consumers prefer cheap products and services that they can afford. The company is capable of investing in large telecommunications infrastructure like fibre optics. T mobile The strategy of the company is in the quality of its services. The company provides high quality services to its consumers. The assumption of the company is that, consumers prefer quality services as opposed to cheap products and services The company does not have enough resources to invest in high cost telecommunication infrastructure like fiber optics. Telecoms world Plc does not only face competition from key players in the industry but also faces competition threat from small and new entrants in the market. The major small and medium enterprise competitors for telecoms Plc include the following: SIM only choices, business phone systems, business telephone systems, and Nextiva Company. Poor market segmentation The company faces poor market segmentation in terms of clientele base. Teleco ms world plc is facing a problem of expanding its market base because most key players like T-mobile and Vodafone has the most clients in the United Kingdom telecommunications industry. The following table indicates the market distribution of the various key stakeholders in the industry Company % Market share in terms of clients T-Mobiles 15 Orange 25 Vodafone 30 Nextiva 10 Telecoms world plc 5 Business phone systems 5 Others 10 Lack of enough capital Telecoms world plc faces a major financial constraint. The company lacks enough capital that it can invest in various telecommunications sectors including provision of internet connectivity services, data bundles, and provision of high edge telecommunications infrastructure systems like fiber optics technology. This has limited the company to provide only services and products that are not of a high standard and quality (Bardhan Udry 1999).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Micro economics issues facing the company The major micro- economics issues facing the company include but are not limited to the following: taxation policies, growth, and inflation (Bardhan Udry 1999). Taxation policies and legal requirements Taxation policies may be described as the various rules and regulations set forth by a state, which regulates the taxation procedures in a country. Various countries will have different taxation systems. Taxation policies, to some extent, will determine the survival and sustenance of a business. Telecoms world plc has been largely affected by the changing trends in the taxation policies in the United Kingdom. The taxation policies changes in the United Kingdom have increased the amount of tax small businesses are supposed to remit to the government. Such, stringent taxation policies have increased the amount of expenses Telecoms plc spends in terms of taxes. This eventually reduces the company’s net profit (Carson Hecht Thomas 2002). Also, the regulations regarding the telecommunications industry in the United Kingdom have made it hard for telecoms World to invest in more lucrative opportunities. Before being given the license to operate as an ISP (internet service provider), an organization is required to buy a license from the telecommunication regulatory agency in the United Kingdom. This license is too expensive, which makes it hard for Telecoms world plc to venture into such business opportunities. Growth Business growth can be described as the increase in business operations, profits, and clients. Such growth cannot be merely achieved through maintaining the status quo, but through embracing continuous improvement in a business. Continuous improvement will ensure that a business adopts the relevant technologies that will ensure the survival of a business in the current dynamic world (Carson Hecht Thomas 2002). Telecoms world plc is facing a challenge in terms of growth. The company has been recording a slight increase in terms of development. This can be attributed to the fact that telecoms world plc does not have enough money to invest in more profitable ventures that will ensure that the company grows in terms of investments, profits and clients. The following table indicates the percentage growth rate for the company in the last three four years Year 2009 2010 2011 Percentage growth 2% 1.2% 1% Inflation Inflation can be defined as the rise in the prices of commodities and services in a country. Inflation will also determine the purchasing power of money. Inflation generally weakens the purchasing power of money and currency in any country. Inflation also leads to hoarding of goods because; businessmen have hopes that the price of goods and services is going to increase (Mcconnell Brue Flynn 2009). The recently experienced global meltdown had an adverse effect on telecoms world plc. The company experienced low demand for its services and products during this period, wh ich eventually led to low sales. Also, the increasing rate of inflation has had adverse effects on companies. The increased inflation has increased the prices of telecommunications commodities and services, hence making it hard for consumers to afford such services. Also, the increasing inflation rate has led to some commodities being scarce and difficult to find. This has made telecoms world plc to have low sales returns (Mcconnell, Brue Flynn 2009). What the company needs to do in order to compete favorably From the above analysis, it is evident that, Telecoms world plc faces a stiff competition in the telecommunications industry. In order to overcome the various competition challenges, the company needs to develop a sound and viable strategy that will enable telecoms world plc stay at the forefront in the telecommunications industry in the United Kingdom. There are various measures that Telecoms plc can adopt in order to have a competitive advantage over its competitors. The fol lowing are examples of the strategies which can be adopted by the Telecoms world plc: Merging with bigger industries in the market. Providing high quality services to consumers Investing in advanced marketing techniques. Merging with other companies In order to compete well with its competitors Telecoms world should merge with the big players in the industry. Such a merger will enhance technological transfer between the two companies. Merging will ensure that both companies are able to share the various technologies, which will enhance efficiency in the organization. Also merging with other companies is important because Telecoms world plc will be able to share part of the other company benefits like a stable market, large clientele base and huge profits. Merging with other key players in the industry will also create a strong brand name for the company (Frank 1964). Provide high quality services and products Currently, Telecoms world does not provide standardized and high quality products and services. This is attributed to the fact that the company does not have enough capital to invest in state of the art technologies. From the analysis conducted, most consumers preferred other companies like orange, Vodafone and T- mobiles because they are offering high quality products and services. In order to sustain the competition pressure, telecoms world plc should adopt a quality management system that will ensure provision of high standardized and quality services. In order to gain the confidence of consumers, the company needs to ensure that, their customers are satisfied. The quality department will also ensure that there is efficient and effective utilization of resources in the company. This will also reduce the operating costs of the business (Pfeifer 2002). The quality department should also undertake some surveys in order to gather relevant information about what other players in the industry are doing. This will enable the company to adopt a relevant cont inuous improvement strategy. This will ensure that, Telecoms world plc produces goods and services which are far above the products and services produced by its competitors (Hoyle 2006). Invest in more advanced marketing strategies Marketing is the key to success in various businesses. In order for a business undertaking to succeed, the business should adopt extensive marketing of its products and services. Marketing will create a good brand name for the company’s products and services. Also, marketing will increase the company’s product awareness, and also increase the company’s sources of revenue (Frank 1964). Marketing is multidimensional and will always involve activities like media advertisements, running promotions, running road shows, online marketing as well as direct contact with customers. The choice of a company’s marketing strategy will depend on the available resources to undertake the marketing strategy. In order for Telecoms world plc to co mpete with its major competitors, the company needs to perform a market analysis. The market analysis should be geared towards studying of consumer trends and supplying the required products to consumers at the right time. One way to undertake such a market analysis is through the use of data mining technique. Data mining can be defined as the process of studying information stored in a database, with the aim of unmasking predictable trends which are not explicitly expressed by the database (Han Kamber 2011). Data mining is an effective way of understanding consumer behavior because it will provide an organization with the relevant information for decision making. For instance, Telecoms world can conduct a data mining tool in order to determine consumer consumption trends in terms of telecommunications products and services (Han Kamber 2011). For example, the company can invest in cloud computing data mining concept, for knowledge discovery. The company can find relevant consumer data on server logs and find out, which telecommunications services and products are preferred by consumers. The company can increase the supply of these products and services at the time they are highly demanded. Conclusion In conclusion, telecoms world plc operates in a highly competitive environment. In order to outwit its competitors, the company needs to invest more heavily in sophisticated quality management and marketing strategies. The company also needs to consider the option of merging with other key players in the industry. Reference List Bardhan, P Udry, C 1999, Development microeconomics, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Burkett, J 2006, Microeconomics: optimization, experiments, and behavior, Oxford University Press, New York. Carson, R, Hecht, J Thomas, W 2002, Microeconomic issues today: alternative  Approaches, Sharpe, Armonk. Frank, N 1964, Market analysis: a handbook of current data sources, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen. Han, J Kamber, M 2011, Data mining: conce pts and techniques, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Hoyle, D 2006, Quality management: the essentials, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. Mcconnell, C Brue, S Flynn, S 2009, Microeconomics: principles, problems, and policies, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston. Pfeifer, T 2002, Quality management: strategies, methods, techniques, Hanser, München. This assessment on The Role of Business Economics in Business Process was written and submitted by user Tristin Mcintyre to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.